You spend so much energy is s@x? (Tathyankasahita) !!! All janirakhau

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Kathmandu. S@x, national, international surveys have been different agency. The survey report interesting and kautuhalatapurna has come.
According to a survey about a tablespoon of semen has to be power-calorie snacks. On one occasion, when about 100 calories of energy to have sex shows.
Daily sex fat person's weight to fall when the statement.
Semen sperm bank 3 hundred 21 degrees Fahrenheit temperature according to the statistics remain. It also can be used indefinitely tamamanama semen.
During sex, men and women, while 17 of the sense of the height reached by the statement.
A person in his life average of 20 to 50 million sperm in the semen has shown the report.
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