List of Candidates SCO-36 Course For SSB Interview

Note:- Candidates are requested to bring the following items/certificates at the time of reporting at this Centre for SSB interview.


A good pair of uniforms.
Two pair of white shirts and shorts.
One pair of white PT shoes, one pair of black leather shoes, two pair of white socks and one pair.
Adequate writing material.
Boot polish.
Original Matric, Higher Secondary or equivalent passing certificate and Mark Sheet along with one attested copy thereof in support of your age. In case you fail to bring these certificates in ORIGINAL, please note that you WILL NOT be allowed to appear for SSB interview . Please note that the statement of Marks in lieu of original certificate or any other date of birth certificate is not accepted.
X and XII Mark Sheets and certificates in ORIGINAL along two attested photocopy of each documents. Twenty five copies of latest photographs (passport size) in white shirt (Not in coat). Please also bring your IDENTITY CARD and photocopy of Field Conduct sheet duly attested by Commanding Officer at the time of reporting for SSB interview.
To view the List Please Click on Official web Source..

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